- Military Library
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- WWII Books
- Handbook on German Army Identification (1943)
Handbook on German Army Identification (1943)
Handbook by the Military Intelligence Training Center, Camp Ritchie
TK Tim Kirsten Updated
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This handbook was prepared at the Military Intelligence Training Center, Camp Ritchie, Maryland, and is designed to provide a ready reference manual for intelligence personnel in combat operations for the correct identification of German military and semi military organizations. The need for such a manual was so pressing (1943) that some errors and omissions were anticipated in the current edition. Included in this handbook are German Army (Das Deutsche Heer), German Air Force (Luftwaffe), Navy (Kriegsmarine), Police, semi military and political organizations.
Contents of the book
I. General
- Identification of German military and semi military organizations (1)
II. German Order of Battle
- Definition (2)
- Purpose and scope (3)
III. The German Army - Das Deutsche Heer
- Uniforms and equipment (4)
- German Army identifications of specialists (5)
- Colors of arms of service - Waffenfarben (6)
- Enlisted men – Mannschaften (7)
- Noncommissioned officers – Unteroffiziere (8)
- Officers – Offiziere (9)
- German identification tag – Erkennungsmarke (10)
- "Wehrmacht" officials – Wehrmachtbeamte (11)
- "Ersatz" system (12)
- Pay book – Soldbuch (13)
IV. The German Air Force – Luftwaffe
- Uniform and insignia (14)
- Colors of arm of service – Waffenfarben (15)
- Special uniforms and insignia (16)
- Insignia of rank-flying uniform (17)
- Insignia of flying personnel of German Luftwaffe and Army (18)
- Corps of Engineers (19)
- Corps of Navigational Experts (20)
- Medical Corps (21)
- Musicians (22)
V. The German Navy - Die Deutsche Kriegsmarine
- General (23)
- Insignia of rank of Navy – Dienstgradabzeichen der Kriegsmarine (24)
VI. Police, semi military and political organizations - Deutsche Polizei, Halbmilitarische und Politische Verbände
- German police - Deutsche Polizei (25)
- Semi military and political organizations (26)
- Uniforms of armed SS - Waffen SS (27)
- Insignia of rank of the National Labor Service - Dienstgradabzeichen des Reichsarbeitsdienstes RAD (28)
- National Socialist Organizations – Nationalsozialistische Organisationen (29)
- Insignia of rank of SA, SS, and of the NSKK - Dienstgradabzeichen der SA, SS, und der NSKK (30)
- Insignia on uniform of the German police – Uniform Abzeichen der Deutschen Polizei (31)
- Command post flags – Kommandoflaggen (32)
- Field insignia and flags of the National Socialist German Labor Party – Feldzeichen und Fahnen der NSDAP (33)
- Insignia of rank of Hitler Youth – Dienstgradabzeichen der Hitlerjugend (34)
- Rank insignia of the political leaders – Dienstgradabzeichen der Politischen Leiter (35)
- Traffic signs – Verkehrszeichen (67)
Germany Nazi (1933-1945)
WWII (1939-1945)
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