The MegaMilitary Project | Online Edition #653

Civil Hero, Pioneer & Explorer - Biographies

Heroes and heroines serve as models and leaders of people and nations because they reflect the feelings, dreams, fantasies, and needs of individuals and of society itself

When you think of a hero, you think at once of someone with courage. Courage is a mark of the hero. But courage alone does not make one a hero. There are other qualities. The heroes in our selection, as you will see, are courageous not for their own sake but for the sake of others or in pursuit of an idea.

They come from all segments of life and include pioneers, pilots, activists, astronauts, cosmonauts, explorer, reformer, educator, pacifists, religious leaders, abolitionists, revolutionaries, humanitarians and many more. You notice that all have this in common: they carry on a search into the unknown. They themselves are of different nations, but their work benefits all nations and makes each one of us wiser.

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