The MegaMilitary Project | Online Edition #635

Military Conveyances (Air, Land & Water)

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The Willys MB (known as a Jeep, or formally as the U.S. Army Truck, 1/4 ton, 4x4) is a four-wheel drive utility vehicles that was manufactured during World War II (Produced from 1941 to 1945 with a total of 361,339 units. This truck was the first military vehicles mass-produced in the United States.
Despite the fact that German submarines had nearly brought Britain to her knees in World War I, the development of submarines was pursued with virtual indifference in the period between the wars except, in the case of the Japanese, for special purposes such as long-range scouting for their surface forces. From the outbreak of World War II in 193...
Ships of World War II includes all the main warships of World War II with over 90 photographs of the ships their design, development, and service history provided for each one of them. The book was written by an expert on naval history (John Ward). You will also find the full specifications for each ship, all weights and measurements (in metric ...
Toward the end of World War II, newspapers revealed what American soldiers had discovered months before — when Sherman tanks tried to slug it out with the heavier German Panzers, they came out second best. Historical argument has it that the hidebound conservatives of the Army effectively blocked the introduction of superior fighting vehicles ba...
The history of military flying in the United States now extends over more than half a century. In that period, an enormous variety of aircraft types has entered service with the U.S. Air Force and its antecedent organizations, the Signal Corps, the Army Air Corps and the Army Air Force.
U. S. BOMBERS is a complete genealogy of the American bombardment plane from the original Keystone XB-1 of 1928, to the latest strategic bombers plying the skies today. Each of the numbered designs following the pioneer XB-1 is fully illustrated with photos and three-view general arrangement drawings. Also, the major features, including dimensio...
It was a little over eighty years ago that the first "heavier than air" flying machine actually to take off from the ground was built. A few years later, at the beginning of World War I, combat aircraft appeared and added a new dimension to warfare. At first, military aircraft were used simply for spying on the enemy. Very quickly, however, they...
The first aerial combats took place over France in World War I. In the earliest combats, known as dogfights, pilots often were armed only with pistols. If the planes carried bombs, they were aimed and dropped by hand. The earliest planes were built as scouts, not fighting machines.
The first military helicopters to fly with the American Air Commando in 1944 during its operations in Burma were experimental machines. But the following year the Sikorsky R-4s came into service with the American army for reconnaissance. They had been developed by Ivan Sikorsky’s company.
In the midst of the devastating World War I - Battle of the Somme, at dawn on September 15, 1916. the British Army launched an attack on the German front line around the French town of Flers. The German soldiers were amazed as vehicles unlike anything ever seen charged forward. The very first tanks, the ancestors of today's deadly fighting machi...
12 results - showing 1 - 10
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