The MegaMilitary Project | Online Edition #623

Military, Warfare & War Comics

With the birth of the modern comic books in the 1930's, publishers began including stories of wartime adventures. Even prior to the U.S. involvement in World War II, comic books such as Captain America Comics depicted superheroes fighting Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. Some comic artists were directly contracted by individual governments to experiment with the use of this type of publication for propaganda purposes and visually appealing military material like maintenance manuals and material for recruitment or enlistment.

In the post-World War II era war stories in comics gained popularity the United States and Canada through the 1950's and even during the Vietnam War. Most of the titles concentrated on US military depictions, generally in World War II, the Korean War or the Vietnam War.

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This pamphlet was designed to provide U.S. combat infantry men with a ready reference to key Warsaw Pact weapons and equipment. The illustrated booklet was published in 1979 by the United States Army Infantry School - Red Team and United States Government Printing Office.
The USAMC Nuclear, Biological & Chemical Equipment Preventive Maintenance Manual is a comic style illustrated collection of articles and material related to NBC (nuclear, biological & chemical) equipment under one cover. The information was intended to help soldiers in the field to keep their equipment operationally ready.
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