The MegaMilitary Project | Online Edition #657

Military, Warfare & War Comics

With the birth of the modern comic books in the 1930's, publishers began including stories of wartime adventures. Even prior to the U.S. involvement in World War II, comic books such as Captain America Comics depicted superheroes fighting Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. Some comic artists were directly contracted by individual governments to experiment with the use of this type of publication for propaganda purposes and visually appealing military material like maintenance manuals and material for recruitment or enlistment.

In the post-World War II era war stories in comics gained popularity the United States and Canada through the 1950's and even during the Vietnam War. Most of the titles concentrated on US military depictions, generally in World War II, the Korean War or the Vietnam War.

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Bert the Turtle was the star of the official U.S. Civil Defense film, "Duck and Cover" for children in which Bert shows what to do in case of an atomic attack. This illustrated pamphlet was distributed at the same time of the film.
The story of Judy starts with the typical life of a well-educated under 21-year-old that has her mind set on what to become in the future as she meets an old friend that has joined the Navy recently and obviously is proud of his life changing decision. Also, not surprising has he got an enlistment booklet for U.S. Navy Career Woman with him that...
Dick Wingate of the U.S. Navy was a Toby Press promotional giveaway comic distributed by Navy recruiters. The story: After graduating from high school, Dick Wingate joins the Navy. We follow Dick through boot camp, exams, and further training as he prepares for a secret mission.
The Preventive Maintenance Monthly published four editions in 1952. From May 1940 to September 1945, the Army achieved a measure of acceptance and success with the instructional publication Army Motors, which featured initial editions in a rudimentary black and white typewriter format.
This booklet contains a collection of combat artist Norvel E. Packwood's cartoons of his experience in Korea, including a poignant final illustration showing how Korea became the 'forgotten' war...
The Preventive Maintenance Monthly published six editions in 1953. From May 1940 to September 1945, the Army achieved a measure of acceptance and success with the instructional publication Army Motors, which featured initial editions in a rudimentary black and white typewriter format.
The Preventive Maintenance Monthly published 11 editions in 1954. From May 1940 to September 1945, the Army achieved a measure of acceptance and success with the instructional publication Army Motors, which featured initial editions in a rudimentary black and white typewriter format.
The Preventive Maintenance Monthly published 12 editions in 1955. From May 1940 to September 1945, the Army achieved a measure of acceptance and success with the instructional publication Army Motors, which featured initial editions in a rudimentary black and white typewriter format.
The Preventive Maintenance Monthly published 12 editions in 1956. From May 1940 to September 1945, the Army achieved a measure of acceptance and success with the instructional publication Army Motors, which featured initial editions in a rudimentary black and white typewriter format.
The Preventive Maintenance Monthly published 12 editions in 1957. From May 1940 to September 1945, the Army achieved a measure of acceptance and success with the instructional publication Army Motors, which featured initial editions in a rudimentary black and white typewriter format.
42 results - showing 11 - 20
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