The MegaMilitary Project | Online Edition #643
Bicycle Camp Batavia - 1942, Japanese prisoner-of-war camp on Java during World War II

Bicycle Camp Batavia (1942)

Japanese prisoner-of-war camp on Java during World War II

One of several Japanese POW camps on Java during World War II, Bicycle Camp was in Koenigs Plein (Kings Place), a suburb of Batavia (now Jakarta, Indonesia), and occupied an area of approximately 700 by 900 feet (215 m by 250 m). Named by the POWs, it was formerly the home of the 10th Battalion of the Dutch colonial army (Netherlands East Indies Army - a bicycle force).

The camp, one of the better facilities used by the Japanese to house prisoners, was surrounded by a high brick wall and composed of several large, two-story brick barracks that held approximately 300 men each. Their construction was typical of the tropics: open-air, breezeway-type buildings with verandas and unscreened windows. They usually assigned three or four men to a cubicle or room. There were no beds, but the prisoners improvised them. Each barracks had water and electricity. Sanitation was adequate and kitchens were well equipped, but food, as always, was in short supply.

The prisoners established a canteen where, if they had money, they could purchase food or other useful items. POWs regularly worked in the surrounding area, in gardens, on the docks, or in factories. Men with special knowledge and skills gave lectures, held classes, put on plays, held boxing matches, or engaged in other recreational activities. Some had clandestine radios and, at substantial risk, kept abreast of what was happening.

koenigs plain kings place batavia
Koenigs Plein (Kings Place) in Batavia (1907)

Although treatment by Japanese guards could be brutal, in retrospect many of the POWs (many of whom later worked on the Burma-Thailand Railway) considered the Bicycle Camp to be among the least objectionable camps. Prisoners were segregated by nationality into groups that were separated by barbed-wire fencing. In April 1942, the camp housed Indian, British, Dutch, American, and Australian POWs, but in October the Japanese sent prisoners north, leaving 2,600 men, primarily Australians, in the camp.

During the next several months, the population dwindled to slightly over 100, mostly Dutch, but a few Americans and Australians remained. In August 1943, however, some 4,000 captives were shifted to the camp, taxing its capacity. The number of POWs held there continued to fluctuate until early 1945, when most were shipped to Changi in Singapore. The Bicycle Camp continued to operate until the war's end.

  • Batavia (Dutch East Indies) 1610-1949
  • Japan
  • WWII (1939-1945)
  • Pacific War (1941-1945)
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  • This commment is unpublished.
    David Mollen · 23/01/2025
    I had an uncle, Captain Clark L. Taylor , who was a prisoner at that camp.  Do you have any information on him?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Tim Kirsten
      • MegaMilitary
      · 24/01/2025
      @David Mollen Hello David. I responded to your message from the contact form. I would be great if you could provide the additional information mentioned. 
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Joanne Martin · 06/01/2025
    Would anyone know if the POW's in Java Party No2 was at this camp? before being transported to Changi in September 1942, is there a list of names anywhere?
    • This commment is unpublished.
      Tim Kirsten
      • MegaMilitary
      · 07/01/2025
      @Joanne Martin Hello Joanne. There are only a limited number of documents available; however, if you could provide more information on the person you are seeking, I will investigate further. Please use our contact form to confidentially submit the details; we would appreciate it if you could provide details like the full name, date of birth, rank, unit, etc. for the individual in question.  

      Here is the link to our contact form:
  • This commment is unpublished.
    Alan Patterson · 20/11/2024
    My father, Carl W Patterson, Royal Navy Engine Room Artificer 5th Class, had his ship HMS Jupiter sunk by a mine during the Battle of the Java Sea.  After three days in the water, he came ashore at Kragan and was taken prisoner by the Japanese.  After transfer to the Haruku Camp (Ambon) in May 1943, he was later shipped to Surabaya in Dec 1944, then by rail in cattle trucks to Jakarta and the Mater Dolorosa Hospital.  In May 1945 he was transferred to Bicycle Camp, then to Bandung in June 1945 and back to Bicycle Camp in August 1945 until liberation and transfer to Singapore by Mechanised Landing Craft in September 1945.
    He wrote, 
    "Eventually a contingent of recuperated patients including myself, transferred to Cycle Camp, previously a regular Dutch Army barracks, somewhere in the city. Undoubtedly, this was to allow space for another batch of the POWs returning from Ambon and Haruku in similar states of health as we were on arrival. Apart from the prevalence of bed bugs (a Heath Robinson dis infesting facility erected for lice, never seemed to be in use) the barrack accommodation was tolerable. There was a regular cookhouse where eventually I worked each morning, and there was minimum Japanese presence within the camp. There were regular working parties detailed from the morning roll call parade. Although much improved in health, I often found the work taxing to my strength. On one occasion, we were offloading bags of rice (which buckled my knees when dumped on my shoulders) from a ship and having to cross a narrow plank between ship and wharf. Looking down on the drop to the water below, each crossing over the plank was almost a life-or-death threat; not a good day at the office! The compensation was the five-cent note paid for every working party. When at the docks, I always took the opportunity to buy a goose egg - or what I have always assumed to be a goose egg! They appeared to have been buried in the ground and were green in colour and solid inside. At the time, I reasoned that although the taste was not of the best, it was the most nutritional value I could get for my money. As practiced in most of the animal world, food was not for hoarding and the eggs hurriedly eaten immediately on purchase. Dealing with civilians was not allowed and the transactions were always covert affairs.
    One working party, of which I was part, had to transfer supplies from trucks into the basement of a building. Part of the supplies was boxed trays of condensed milk. This was too good a chance to miss, and although the smell of condensed milk is quite distinctive, we succeeded in consuming an entire case of it without discovery. The incriminating evidence of crate and empty tins safely hidden away, we were slightly sick from having had an overdose of sweetness. Such was the casual attitude of the Japanese by that stage of the war that when the midday break came along, we were generously given some cans of condensed milk. Much to their surprise, we did not appear to be wildly grateful for their donation!"
    In the comforts of our homes, it is beyond our understanding how these men survived their abysmal conditions of hard labour whilst suffering malnutrition, malaria, dysentery, beri-beri, pellagra and tropical sores, the latter often leading to amputation of limbs. 
    We are to be eternally grateful for their sacrifices, which have afforded us the freedoms that we enjoy today.

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