The MegaMilitary Project | Online Edition #658

Various Wars Books

3 results - showing 1 - 3
The history of military uniforms is (perhaps fortunately) much shorter than the history of warfare. Men have been fighting in more or less organized bodies since (and perhaps before) they became men. They have worn uniforms, in the proper sense, only for just under three hundred years. It is therefore possible to deal with the subject within the...
This book illustrates 512 military uniforms of the world from the year 1506 until 1965. It provides a pocket encyclopedia of the soldiers of the world, with their history and heritage. The authenticity of the illustrations has been checked with the principal military museums of the nations concerned and the text gives not only the details of ind...
The Falklands, Yom Kippur, Tet and Pearl Harbor? Avoidable intelligence blunders or much worse? Altogether a compelling read from someone who knows the business. "Military Intelligence", runs the old saying, "is a contradiction in terms". This weary old joke has about the same impact on professional intelligence officers as jokes about striking ...
3 results - showing 1 - 3

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